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The Panther Update, June 10th, 2019
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Interview with Mrs. DePoint

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Why have you decided that now is the best time for you to retire?

I honestly don't know why now is, like, why didn't I go, I could have retired two years ago? That's when, according to New York State, I had enough time in to receive the highest pension. And, so, I could have retired then.

I just felt I wasn't ready at that time. And since then, I've just been thinking about it more and more so it's become, I don't know, I guess I've come to terms with it and decided that the stress level of the job is probably not a healthy situation for anybody, stress is not, it's just not healthy, so, I just decided it was time to do something else and enjoy some relaxation.

What Sweet Home production gives you the most pride?

So that's a tricky question because as I finish a production, like all fourteen of my shows, that's the one that I had been the most proud of. Every year, it's like this is my favorite show. If I were to pick a favorite show, I couldn't because every show is different and every show has its own redeeming qualities.

How do you feel your music has affected students at Sweet Home?

I feel music has brought to the students who have, especially those who have stuck with it for multiple years, it enhances their lives and it makes them appreciate finer things in life. It opens their minds to the world around them, to being more acceptable of diversity. So I think it's had a very positive influence on the students.

What will you miss most about Sweet Home?

I will miss most sharing music with my students and I'm very passionate about my job and about sharing beautiful music with my students over the years. Every concert we go into, we talk about making magical moments happen or allowing those magical moments to happen and I will really miss those times that we have created magic in a concert.

Author: Chukwudi Ilozue
Category: Life & Arts, News
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