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Sweet Home High School's Student Newspaper
The Panther Update, April 16th, 2019
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Q&A: Matt Miller


Hi, I'm Matt Miller, Student Body President, and today I doing the Panther Eye Q&A.

What are your hopes for the school in the future?

One hope I have for the future of our school is for our students to have a voice and be able to enact change in our school and the community. I think in this past year we've gotten a great start to that with our first year of Student Government and I think that it will improve with time and teachers and administrators are very willing to give students that voice.

What extracurricular activities are you a part of this year?

Some of the extracurriculars that I am apart of here in Sweet Home are Spanish Honor Society, French Honor Society, Environmental Club. I was in Theater orchestra for the musical the past 3 years, and I am also in Ski Club.

What is your career path?

I will be majoring in international relation in college and I'm not sure exactly what I want to do as a career but I am planning to work in foreign policy, possibly for the Department of State, and I would love to work and travel in different countries.

What college are you going to be attending and why?

This coming fall I will be attending Michigan State University in national relations, and I chose that school first of all because I love big colleges there's lots of sports and fun stuff going on and they also have a really good program for social sciences and it's kind of a family tradition to go to that school. My mom and my brother also went there.

Author: Chukwudi Ilozue
Category: News
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