Girls Tennis Brings Season to Close
Fortunately, girls tennis was given the go ahead for competing in matches in this 2020 season. They were one of a few sports that got permission from the Board to play. The team is back in full swing and starting off strong with a total of 14 players, some returning and beginners to tennis. Due to Mrs. Feyes’ absence, this year’s coach is Mr. Koziol whom we interviewed regarding this year’s girls tennis team.
When asked how he thinks the season will go, Mr. Koziol said “there are lots of new players to this year’s team” and he is “very excited to see everyone’s great attitudes on the court”. Coach Koziol was excited to see everyone on the team learning new things, growing as players, and getting better each day. He was also excited to see everyone’s improvement in just one week into tennis, and he cannot wait to see how far the team will come in just a month to come! Unlike other sports, COVID-19 hasn’t impacted the tennis season as much as other sports. Coach Koziol said that other than wearing masks, drills within practices have not changed much.
The girls are already towards the end of the season with their last game scheduled for October 20th at Hamburg High School, and have already started participation in the ECIC Championships where Senior Caroline Thiele won her first game in sets of 6-1 & 6-0.
For up to date sports information and scores, follow @SHPantherEye and @SHCSDAthletics on Twitter.

Lauren is a senior this year at Sweet Home High School and enjoys writing about many different genres! Outside of the school she enjoys hanging with friends and playing volleyball. This is her third year of the Panther Eye and she’s very excited to be apart of the team!