Sweet Home High School's Student Newspaper
The Panther Digest, Issue 39
5 recent articles, including "COVID-19: What's Happening with the AP Exams?"

COVID-19: What's Happening with the AP Exams?

AP Exams may not have been cancelled, but they have been changed.
Author: Matt McGowan
Man Writing on Table

Opinion: Practicing Emotional First Aid

Self care isn't selfish
Mental health is often discussed, yet rarely understood. But, it's just as important as physical health.
Author: Sofia Hernández

COVID-19: Mind the Distance

When all the hype started about the COVID-19 in early February, many thought that it was being overhyped. But, suddenly, there was.
Author: Lexi Herrmann
March 15, 2020- Albany, NY- Governor Andrew Cuomo holds a briefing on Coronavirus, Announces partnership with the states of New Jersey and Connecticut to have no gatherings of 50 people or more, Casinos, Gyms, Theaters, Restaurants and Bars to close at 8PM today, with exception of take-out, All to help reduce the curve of infected people needing hospitalization. Calls on Federal Government to adopt a Federal plan for states to follow and mobilize the Army Corp of Engineers to build medical capacity out of caution should the need arise. (Darren McGee- Office of Governor Andrew Cuomo)

COVID-19 at Sweet Home: Our Playlist

Headphones edited onto soldiers spraying disinfectant in Taiwan
Sick of "Corona Time" memes? Listen to our COVID-19 playlist.
Author: Joey Bastian

COVID-19 at Sweet Home: Superintendent Day

"This is a once-in-a-hundred year event. So, you can't run it the same way you do every other year." Read about our interview with Superintendent Day.
Author: Chukwudi Ilozue
This transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2—also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus that causes COVID-19—isolated from a patient in the U.S. Virus particles are shown emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. The spikes on the outer edge of the virus particles give coronaviruses their name, crown-like.
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