The Lorax

The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss, was originally written as a book and later turned into a movie. The Lorax is about twelve-year-old Ted’s life in the town of Thneedville.
He’s trying to win Audrey’s heart but to do so, he has to get a truffula tree. These trees are no longer in existence in Thneedville due to the fact that their town is completely made of plastic and they like it that way. In Thneedville, the environment is not of their concern. Trees are now gone, fish are slowly dying from pollution, and animals are going extinct.
The Lorax is a character who “speaks for the trees. ” The Lorax was taken away from the town for having a voice and wanting to help the trees and the environment as a whole.
Ted decided to go to him about truffula trees so he could win Audrey’s heart. Little does he know, they’re far away, and would take days of traveling.
The Once-ler is the only person who knows the story about the trees and Thneedville. Ted pays the Once-ler fifteen cents, a nail, and the shell of a great-great-great grandfather snail to hear the story.
There is a stump from the last truffula tree and the Lorax lays near this stump. The Lorax is it’s own breed, he speaks for the trees and believes they’re needed to make the world a better place so he went away once all the trees were gone.
The Once-ler knows that what the Lorax said was true; someone needs to care enough to make the world a better place and not pollute the environment.
The Once-ler gives the boy, Ted, the last seed of the truffula tree. He tells the boy to grow a forest from it. Then, the Lorax and all of his friends may come back.
The moral of the Lorax story is that their environment and their plastic town is how our world is sooner than later going to turn out.
In the present day, our oceans are filling up with plastic and sea creatures are dying from eating it. There are seven main kinds of plastic:
- PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)—the easiest level of plastic to recycle.
- HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene).
- PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride).
- LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene).
- PP (Polypropylene).
- PS (Polystyrene).
- Polycarbonate, BPA, and Other Plastics.
1-3 are the least-worst to recycle. The others, 4–7, are not good to recycle. They either go in the landfill, get burned in a factory (which polluted the air), or go into the oceans. Last but not least, an island full of plastic called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
It is a largest plastic mass located between Hawaii and California in the North Pacific and has a surface area twice the size of Texas.
Global warming is also a huge issue and has been for a while. In the North Atlantic and the cold waters surrounding Antarctica, the main icebergs in the world are located.
Temperatures around these icebergs have been rising each year since 1975. There are ongoing effects on sea levels and melting glaciers, ice sheets, and icebergs. The reason why global warming exists is because of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is a warming of the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. It is caused by gases that trap energy from the sun which ends up warming the earth.
Deforestation, the clearing of a forest where many trees stand, is rampant. Animals and ecosystems are getting shut down without argument. Killing animals and destroying their home is just the same as putting a kid on the streets to live with nothing.
Trees are home to many animals and next to that, if we didn’t have trees, there’d be no oxygen production and finally in turn, no oxygen produced. We would all die. Deforestation also causes climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, and many more greenhouse gasses than we already have in our atmosphere.
In the end, The Lorax presents an outlook on earth’s environment. The Lorax brings sensibility to what could happen on earth. People may not see it, but it already is happening. Our world is in danger.
Some people think it’s okay to let deforestation, plastic issues, global warming, climate change, pollution, and many more issues effect our environment. It’s all fine until human lives get affected. But what if we thought about all living things and not just about ourselves?
We must save the world before it’s too late.

Julianna Clark is a freshman. She loves to read, write and also loves the arts. She joined because she wants to put her voice out into the world.