Girls Soccer Fall to Hamburg After Tough Battle
Read about the Girl’s Soccer Game vs Hamburg on Saturday, October 31st.
The Sweet Home Girl’s Soccer team had a tough battle against Hamburg and the referees on Saturday in which the team fell 6-0, but the Sweet Home girls didn’t let that get to them as they showed sportsmanship and endured throughout the game.
Starting off, the game against Hamburg wasn’t one without issue. Throughout the game the referees were showing an obvious bias against Sweet Home, and the lack of calls on the field played into many unfortunate events for Sweet Home. As many spectators noticed before the game started, the referees were talking with the Hamburg coaches and according to some, the referees were “talking trash.”
Throughout the game the Hamburg girls had many illegal plays, such as hand balls, that the referees didn’t call it out. They didn’t care about such illegal plays. The Sweet Home team on the other hand was treated differently.
At one point in the game, one of the referees heard “rude language” from a coach on the Sweet Home bench and immediately pulled a yellow card. As many spectators heard, the language wasn’t even rude. It was just a simple question. “Why didn’t you call the handball?”
The referees acted in a very biased manner, tempting one of the SH coaches to leave the field. One referee even questioned the other coach asking, “What do you have to say for yourself?”
As a final blow to the team, the referees forced one of the Sweet Home coaches to leave the field for the coach’s “rude comments”. Not only did the referees force him to leave, but they made him leave without his possessions. The referee said, “No, no. Take your stuff after the game. Just get off the field. Get off!”
As the girls look to recover from the loss to Hamburg, they are scheduled to take on Will South, Starpoint and Amherst in the next week. You can view their schedule here. Come show your support for the Sweet Home Girl’s Soccer Team. Let’s finish this season strong!
Go Panthers!

Aimee is a Freshman at Sweet Home High School. She plans on writing for the Advice Section.

April is in her sophomore year of High School. She plans on contributing to Life & Arts and Advice.