Moderate & Low-Risk Winter Sports Get Go Ahead From State
Read about what is happening with moderate & low-risk sports this winter.
The update winter sports teams have been waiting for is finally out. The NYSPHSAA has confirmed their decision to allow some winter sports to play this 2020-2021 season. NYSPHSAA stated that “after consultation with state officials today, NYSPHSAA has confirmed low and moderate risk winter sports are permitted to be played.”
The sports permitted to start practices as soon as November 30th include bowling, gymnastics, indoor track & field, skiing, and swimming & diving. As of right now they have stated that sports under the category of high risk such as basketball, ice hockey, wrestling and competitive cheerleading do not have the authorization to start and as of now do not have a start date. The state did say that “the high-risk sports start date continues to be examined and will be revised if needed but is contingent upon authorization from state officials.”
Still in question are spectators. As of now no guidance has been issued about spectators at games, and Sweet Home plans to offer live streams of games from the Main Gym using the NFHS network in case no spectators are allowed in the stands. More information will be provided by the state at a later date.
As more information becomes available we will continue to update this story.
For up to date sports information and scores, follow @SHPantherEye and @SHCSDAthletics on Twitter.

Lauren is a senior this year at Sweet Home High School and enjoys writing about many different genres! Outside of the school she enjoys hanging with friends and playing volleyball. This is her third year of the Panther Eye and she’s very excited to be apart of the team!