Music Department Gets Official Go Ahead for Spring Musical
It’s showtime! Sweet Home High School to put on “The Wizard of Oz” in late May.
The Sweet Home High School Music Department has officially gotten the go ahead from the District to perform a spring musical. Previously, the department had announced supported plans for shows in late April, but these plans were put on hold when the Board of Education debated the high-risk winter and spring sports season as well as reopening the Middle and High Schools four days a week for in-person learning.

The new Wizard of Oz show dates, now scheduled for May 21st and 22nd, will feature Kristin Wawrzniak and Ashley Miller as Dorothy Gale, Cecelia Stout and Sophia Stang as Glinda the Good Witch and Ethan Wolf, Devin Klumpp and Gianni Malizia as Lion, Tin Man, and Scarecrow, respectively.
The showtimes and the amount of shows has yet to be determined, but the Eye is led to believe that both shows will occur at 7:30pm. As for an in-person audience, no definite answer has been given.
At the time of publishing, the department is in talks with the district to allow each cast, crew and pit member to have two audience members present at minimally one show. In a message to Stage Crew members, crew director Mr. Morrow said, “We have had a discussion with the district of possibility that in addition to live streaming out the musical this year we would also be allowed audience members as long as we do not exceed 100 per show. That would at least allow every person involved in the show to have 2 audience members to attend 1 of the 2 shows. We are still working out the details on how that will work.”
As for those that aren’t able to snag an in-person seat, the show will be available to live stream. Those interested in viewing either show can visit the official ticket website when sales start (ticket sale start date TBD).
Tickets this year will be free of charge for all viewers of the show. A decision announced by Mr. Day prior to spring break stated that the district would absorb and offset all costs of the show, negating the need for ticket sales. Regardless of how the show is being viewed, admission will be of no cost.
Now those that view this year’s show may notice some slight differences. At the time of publishing, guidelines state that cast members need to remain 6 feet apart when speaking and 12 feet apart whenever they are dancing or singing. This caps the number of people on stage at any one time to roughly 15 cast members. If the guidelines are relaxed, only 3 feet of distance would be required when speaking, and 6 when dancing or singing.
Certain roles, such as Dorothy Gale (Kristin Wawrzniak / Ashley Miller), Glinda the Good Witch (Cecelia Stout / Sophia Stang) and Wicked Witch of the West (Caitlyn Mercurio / Juliana Bastian) have been double casted to minimize interruption if certain cast members would have to enter quarantine. At the time of publishing, each cast member will perform for one show meaning that each show will feature an entirely new cast.

Masks will still be worn by all cast members when on stage, as required by New York State guidelines. To have the show seem as natural as possible, cast members will be wearing clear, anti-fog masks when on stage. Those in the audience would also be required to wear masks for the duration of the performance.
Those in the audience will also notice cameras that have been set up in various positions and places in the auditorium to allow the at home audience to view the show from the best possible angles. Audience members will also notice cardboard cutout heads scattered throughout the audience. Mrs. Ross, the shows producer, had announced the idea at a parent meeting.
“We were thinking of doing cardboard cutout heads. I just think the kids would love to look out into that auditorium and see all of your (the parents) smiling faces,” said Mrs. Ross during the meeting, “each cutout would cost $20 per person unless you provide your own cutout.” Those interested in purchasing or providing a cutout should contact Mrs. Ross and check the availability of the remaining seats.
Until the day it becomes time to follow the yellow brick road to Oz, take a look back at the High School’s 2020 production, Thoroughly Modern Millie.
The Panther Eye is dedicated to bringing you up-to-date information on all events at Sweet Home High School. As more information becomes available, we will update the community through our social medias. Those with specific questions regarding the show should contact rross@sweethomeschools.org
Pictures used in this article are from last year’s production of Thoroughly Modern Millie. We will continue to follow the musical process and will publish new information as it become available. For up to date information, follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Matt is in his senior year at Sweet Home High School and this year will be his fourth year with The Panther Eye. Matt is the current Editor-in-Chief and maintains all Panther Eye social channels. He enjoys soccer, music and participating in Stage Crew. If interested in joining The Panther Eye team contact Matt using the options below.