Summary: 2019-2020 District Budget
What’s in the district budget for next year? We made it simple for you.
This report is based on information from the Sweet Home Central School District and the Board of Education in PDFs here, here, and here. Some graphs may not appear in the emailed version of this report. Hover over or select any item to see exact numbers.
- $29,200 increase in interscholastic athletics budget, no increase in co-curricular activities budget.
- The district will spend $43,000 more on computer hardware, parts, and repair.
- The district will spend $243,925 on central printing and mailing this year to district homes.
- The district will spend $24,960 per student, 9% more than similar districts but about the average for the entire state.
- Sweet Home has about half the number of special education districts as other districts in the state.
- The district plans to spend $8,974,118 of its capital budget to at least partially renovate the theater and locker rooms, replace flooring, A/C and heat, and do other things in the high school.
- The district plans to place “safety glazing film” on all student buildings at main entrances.
- The district plans to start this thirty-nine million dollar construction project in 2021 and the vote of this will be held in October 2019.
Expense Summary
Revenue Summary

Chukwudi, better known as Chudy, has been Editor-in-Chief since his sophomore year and has worked on the newspaper since his freshman year. His main focus is editing of articles, social media, and managing the website.