COVID-19 at Sweet Home: Superintendent Day
“This is a once-in-a-hundred year event. So, you can’t run it the same way you do every other year.” Read about our interview with Superintendent Day.
“This is a once-in-a-hundred year event. So, you can’t run it the same way you do every other year.” Read about our interview with Superintendent Day.
“I can honestly say that my expectations were fulfilled.” Read Jordan’s article about Saturday’s performance.
Get your ticket to watch Millie throw away her ticket back home for a life in New York City.
Watch or read The Panther Eye’s video special.
It’s, like, a way to preserve our culture, keeping the culture going, and appreciating the diversity.
Read about our students of the month and watch their wheel spins.
You captivated us with the way you carried yourself. Yourmentality inspired millions.
Read about our students of the month and watch their wheel spins.
The student government at Sweet Home is currently in its second year. Today we talked to junior Senator Caroline Thiele about some of the things she is trying to achieve both in and out of government.
Watch our brief Q&A with Student Body Vice President Delaney Graham