Ms. Spence’s Quote
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine.
Alan Turing
Alan Turing was an English computer scientist who was key in breaking the Enigma machine which was pivotal in turning the tide of the war toward the Allies. Historians believe that his work shortened the length of the war by two years and may have saved fourteen million lives. When he was in school, some of his teachers believed that science and mathematics wasn’t as important as the classics. However, he wasn’t good at the classics and his teachers did not see him as intelligent and didn’t expect much from him. However, some of his teachers believed in him and helped him become an incredible asset in the war effort and went on to develop both the Turing test and the LU decomposition method after the war.
The day before the teachers received an email looking for quotes, she watched the (Oscar winning) movie “The Imitation Game” about Alan Turing. This quote, from the movie, resonated with her because, as a teacher, she sees that students are different and that “sometimes there are things that happen that you would never expect.”
She sees this reflected in her class of struggling learners. While society might look at them and say they won’t achieve much, these students work hard every day, finish the tasks they’re given, treat each other with respect, “come in every day with a smile on their face, and they give me their all.”
Check out other Quote Week articles as they come out here.

Chukwudi, better known as Chudy, has been Editor-in-Chief since his sophomore year and has worked on the newspaper since his freshman year. His main focus is editing of articles, social media, and managing the website.